Fruit Sciencebharsar Students

An important part of a well-balanced diet, fresh fruit contains large quantities of water and is not a substantial food. Fruits are important mainly for the vitamins and minerals they contain. Acids they contain also help digestion.

Fruits are eaten in many ways. The whole fruit may be fresh, frozen, canned, or dried. The juice may be canned or frozen. Fruits are made into preserves and a variety of desserts, and concentrated fruit flavors are used in food and drinks.

What Are Fruits?

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Fruits in the botanical sense are the parts of the plant that contain the seeds. There is no exact distinction between a fruit and a vegetable. The tomato, for example, is usually called a vegetable; but, like apples and berries, it is a fleshy fruit with the seeds embedded in the flesh. In general, it may be said that a fruit is the edible part of the plant that contains the seeds, whereas a vegetable consists of edible stems, leaves, and roots.

Fruit Sciencebharsar Students
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There are three main fruit classifications: (1) fleshy fruits, such as berries, oranges, melons, gourds, and apples, with seeds in the flesh; (2) stone, or drupaceous, fruits, containing pits, or stones, such as plums, peaches, and cherries; and (3) dry fruits, including nuts, grains, legumes, such as beans and peas, and fruits having capsules and pods. In the fleshy fruits the seed envelope (the pericarp) is fleshy or juicy. In the drupes the part of the fruit around the seed (the endocarp) becomes stony, forming the peach, plum, or cherry pit. The outer portion (the exocarp) is fleshy. Dry fruits are divided into splitting fruits, such as peas and beans, which break open and scatter the seeds, and nonsplitting fruits, such as acorns, grains, and nuts.

When the European colonists came to North America, they found only native wild fruits. The American Indians had a few varieties of crab apples, wild grapes, and such berries as strawberries, cranberries, blackberries, huckleberries, and mulberries. Soon, however, many new fruits became available.

Some had been grown for centuries in Europe and Asia. Peaches and oranges, for example, came from China where they had been cultivated for more than 3,000 years. Apples, pears, and sweet cherries first grew in lands around the Caspian and Black seas. Columbus found pineapples growing in the West Indies. They were transplanted first to Hawaii and then to North America. The grapefruit was a sour West Indian fruit until Florida gardeners discovered and developed its possibilities in the 19th century. Today practically every fruit of the temperate zone and many of the tropical fruits grow somewhere in North America. (See alsofruitgrowing.)

Refrigeration and rapid transportation brought great changes to the fruit industry. Previously apples were almost the only fresh fruit available in winter. Perishable fruit could be eaten fresh only in season and in the locality where grown. Now the fruits of the South are regularly shipped to the North when they are not in season there, and fruits are kept in cold-storage for winter use. Fruits are shipped to and from almost every country in the world.


Citrus fruits are grown throughout the year in warm parts of the United States. They are continually shipped to areas where they do not grow. Fruits such as pears, strawberries, and peaches are now on the market for many months; 50 years ago they could be enjoyed for just a few weeks in most areas. Originally a native of tropical countries, the avocado, or alligator pear, is now grown in California and Florida. Its protein content is more than twice that of more common fruits.

The tropical papaya, or papaw, is a fruit resembling a small cantaloupe. It is shipped across the country from California and Florida. The canned juice is a popular drink. Papaya contains the enzyme papain, which is an aid in the digestion of proteins. Tough meat wrapped in papaya leaves becomes tender overnight. The enzyme is an ingredient in meat tenderizers. Another enzyme in papaya, chymopapain, has been processed into a drug that has recently gained federal approval for use in repairing vertebral disks, as a substitute for surgery.

The guava is grown in two varieties. One is shaped like an apple, and the other like a pear. The slightly acid pulp of the guava is made into jelly. The mango is another tropical fruit grown in the Southern United States.

Tropical Fruits

Many other tropical fruits are staples in their own countries but are not familiar elsewhere. The sapodilla, or sapote, is the fruit of the Central American tree that also produces the chicle, a sap used in chewing gum. There are several kinds of sapote. The mamey sapote has a light cocoa-colored skin and soft, sweet, rose-colored pulp. Chico sapote has a yellowish-brown skin resembling a potato’s, but the pulp is soft and sweet. It has been described as tasting like “pears and brown sugar.”

Fruit Science Bharsar Students Activities

The mangosteen is a fruit of the East Indian islands. It is rather like an orange with dark reddish-brown sections. The juicy flesh is said to taste like both the peach and the pineapple. The durian is another East Indian fruit. It has a hard, prickly rind containing a soft, cream-colored pulp of a most delicious flavor but offensive odor. The seeds are roasted and eaten like chestnuts.

Fruit Science Bharsar Students Worksheets

The granadilla, popular in tropical America and in Australia, is the fruit of the passionflower. It is used as an addition to salads and is eaten with cream. In Mexico the small fruits, called tunas, of a prickly pear known as nopal are popular. The West Indian fruit called star apple looks like an apple with a star-shaped center formed by the seed cells. (See alsoberry; flower; legume.)