World Historymr Volkmar's Course Pages

World History

The paper assignment will be a minimum of 4 pages (2,000 words) and a citation page. In those pages you must explain and compare an event in history and how that event is similar to another unrelated event. There is an aphorism often attributed to Mark Twain. Unit 2: How Trade and Travel Changed the World Please note anything in red and italics is not covered in the online course Page 2 of 5 Updated January 19, 2012.

  • Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 WHI SOL Live Binder A complete website with Power Point presentations, quizzes and games. SOL 'Cheat Sheets' One page summaries of each major SOL standard, created by another VA WHI teacher. A little busy, but not bad. WHI.2 Paleolithic and Neolithic WHI.3 China WHI.3 India WHI.3 River Valleys WHI.3 Egypt WHI.3.
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  • Modern World History This course offers a euro-centric version of world history, from 1500 to the present day. Entrance survey. Information Course Forms.
Class: World History (10th Grade)
Teacher: Ronald Freeman
Text: World History: Patterns of Interaction

World History: Patterns of Interaction
Book Chapters
Chapter 1 - The Peopling of the World (Prehistory-2500 B.C.)
Section 1. Human Origins in Africa
Section 2. Humans Try to Control Nature
Section 3. Civilization
Chapter 2 - Early River Valley Civilizations (3500 B.C.-450 B.C.)
Section 1. City States in Mesopotamia
Section 2. Pyramids of the Nile
Section 3. Planned Cities of the Indus
Section 4. River Dynasties of China
Chapter 3 - People and Ideas on the Move (2000 B.C.-250 B.C.)
Section 1. The Indo Europeans
Section 2. Hinduism and Buddhism Develop
Section 3. Seafaring TradersSection 4. The Origins of Judaism
Chapter 4 - First Age of Empires, 1570 B.C.-200 B.C.
Section 1. The Egyptian and Nubian Empires
Section 2. The Assyrian Empire
Section 3. The Persian Empire
Section 4. The Unification of China
Chapter 5 - Classical Greece (2000 B.C.-300 B.C.)
Section 1. Culture of the Mountains and Sea
Section 2. Warring City States
Section 3. Democracy and Greece's Golden Age
Section 4. Alexander's EmpireSection 5. The Spread of Hellenistic Culture
Chapter 6 - Ancient Rome and Early Christianity (500 B.C.-A.D. 500)
Section 1. The Roman Republic
Section 2. The Roman Empire
Section 3. The Rise of Christianity
Section 4. The Fall of the Roman Empire
Section 5. Rome and the Roots of Western Civilization
Chapter 7 - India and China Establish Empires (400 B.C.-A.D. 550)
Section 1. India's First Empires
Section 2. Trade Spreads Indian Religion and Culture
Section 3. Han Emperors In China
Chapter 8 - African Civilizations (1500 B.C.-A.D. 700)
Section 1. Diverse Societies in Africa
Section 2. Migration (Bantu Speaking People)
Section 3. The Kingdom of Aksum
Chapter 9 - The Americas: A Separate World (40,000 B.C.-A.D. 700)
Section 1. The Earliest Americans
Section 2. Early Mesoamerican Civilizations
Section 3. Early Civilizations of the Andes
Chapter 10 - The Muslim World (600-1250)
Section 1. The Rise of Islam
Section 2. Islam Expands
Section 3. Muslim Culture
Chapter 11 - Byzantines, Russians, and Turks Interact (500-1500)
Section 1. The Byzantine Empire
Section 2. The Russian Empire
Section 3. The Turkish Empires in Anatolia
Chapter 12 - Empires in East Asia (600-1350)
Section 1. Tang and Song China
Section 2. The Mongol Conquest
Section 3. The Mongol Empire
Section 4. Feudal Powers in JapanSection 5. Kingdoms of Southeast Asia and Korea
Chapter 13 - European Middle Ages (500-1200)
Section 1. Charlemagne Unites German Kingdoms
Section 2. Feudalism in Europe
Section 3. The Age of Chivalry
Section 4. The Power of the Church
Chapter 14 - The Formation of Western Europe (800-1500)
Section 1. Church Reform and the Crusades
Section 2. Changes in Medieval Society
Section 3. England and France Develop
Section 4. The 100 Years War and the Plague
Chapter 15 - Societies and Empires of Africa (800-1500)
Section 1. North and Central African Societies
Section 2. West African Civilizations
Section 3. Eastern City-States and Southern Empires
Chapter 16 - People and Empires in the Americas (500-1500)
Section 1. North American Societies
Section 2. Maya Kings and Cities
Section 3. The Aztecs Control Central America
Section 4. The Inca Create a Mountain Empire
Chapter 17 - European Renaissance and Reformation (1300-1600)
Section 1. Italy: Birth Place of the Renaissance
Section 2. The Northern Renaissance
Section 3. Luther Leads the Reformation
Section 4. The Reformation Continues
Chapter 18 - The Muslim World Expands (1300-1700)
Section 1. The Ottomans Build a Vast Empire
Section 2. Cultural Blending (The Safavid Empire)
Section 3. The Mughal Empire
Chapter 19 - An Age of Explorations and Isolation (1400-1800)
Section 1. Europeans Explore East
Section 2. China Limits European Contacts
Section 3. Japan Returns to Isolation
Chapter 20 - The Atlantic World (1492-1800)
Section 1. Spain Builds an American Empire
Section 2. European Nations Settle North America
Section 3. The Atlantic Slave Trade
Section 4. The Columbian Exchange and Global Trade
Chapter 21 - Absolute Monarchs in Europe (1500-1800)
Section 1. Spain's Empire and European Absolutism
Section 2. The Reign of Louis XIV
Section 3. Central European Monarchs Clash
Section 4. Absolute Rulers of Russia Clash
Section 5. Parliament Limits the English Monarch
Chapter 22 - Enlightenment and Revolution (1550-1789)
Section 1. The Scientific Revolution
Section 2. The Enlightenment in Europe
Section 3. The Enlightenment Spreads
Section 4. The American Revolution
Chapter 23 - The French Revolution and Napoleon (1789-1815)
Section 1. The French Revolution Begins
Section 2. The French Revolution Brings Reform and Terror
Section 3. Napoleon Forges an Empire
Section 4. Napoleon's Empire Collapses
Section 5. The Congress of Vienna
Chapter 24 - Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West (1789-1900)
Section 1. Latin American Peoples Win Independence
Section 2. Europe Faces Revolutions
Section 3. Nationalism (Italy and Germany)
Section 4. Revolutions in the Arts
Chapter 25 - The Industrial Revolution (1700-1900)
Section 1. The Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution
Section 2. Industrialization
Section 3. Industrialization Spreads
Section 4. Reforming the Industrialized World
Chapter 26 - An Age of Democracy and Progress (1815-1914)
Section 1. Democratic Reform and Activism
Section 2. Self Rule for British Colonies
Section 3. War and Expansion in the United States
Section 4. Nineteenth Century Progress
Chapter 27 - The Age of Imperialism (1850-1914)
Section 1. The Scramble for Africa
Section 2. Imperialism (Case Study: Nigeria)
Section 3. Europeans Claim Muslim Lands
Section 4. British Imperialism in India
Section 5. Imperialism in South East Asia
Chapter 28 - Transformations Around the Globe (1800-1914)
Section 1. China Resists Outside Influence
Section 2. The Modernization of Japan
Section 3. U.S. Economic Imperialism
Section 4. Turmoil and Change in Mexico
Chapter 29 - The Great War (1914-1918)
Section 1. Marching Towards War
Section 2. Europe Plunges into War
Section 3. A Global Conflict
Section 4. A Flawed Peace
Chapter 30 - Revolution and Nationalism (1900-1939)
Section 1. Revolutions in Russia
Section 2. Totalitarianism (Stalinist Russia)
Section 3. Imperial China Collapses
Section 4. Nationalism in India and Southwest Asia
Chapter 31 - Years of Crisis (1919-1939)
Section 1. Postwar Uncertainty
Section 2. A Worldwide Depression
Section 3. Fascism Rises in Europe
Section 4. Aggressors Invade Nations
Chapter 32 - World War II (1939-1945)
Section 1. Hitler's Lightening War
Section 2. Japan's Pacific Campaign
Section 3. The Holocaust
Section 4. The Allied Victory
Section 5. Europe and Japan in Ruins
Chapter 33 - Restructuring the Postwar World (1945-Present)
Section 1. Cold War: Superpowers Face Off
Section 2. Communists Take Power in China
Section 3. Wars in Korea and Vietnam
Section 4. The Cold War Divides the World
Section 5. The Cold War Thaws
Chapter 34 - The Colonies Become New Nations (1945-Present)
Section 1. The Indian Subcontinent Achieves Freedom
Section 2. Southeast Asian Countries Gain Independence
Section 3. New Nations in Africa
Section 4. Conflict in the Middle East
Section 5. Central Asia Struggles
Chapter 35 - Struggles for Democracy (1945-Present)
Section 1. Democracy (Latin American Democracies)
Section 2. The Challenges of Democracy in Africa
Section 3. The Collapse of the Soviet Union
Section 4. Changes in Central and Eastern Europe
Section 5. China: Reform and Reaction
Chapter 36 - Global Interdependence (1960-Present)
Section 1. The Impact of Science and Technology
Section 2. Global Economic Development
Section 3. Global Security Issues
Section 4. Terrorism

Section 5. Cultures Blend in the Global age

Exams (4) 75 points each
Quizzes (5) 25 points each
Paper (1) 50 points
Participation 25 points
Total points: 500
Grade Scale and Late Work
1. Grades are based on the percentage of points earned during a grading period.
2. Semester grades will be calculated cumulatively
3. Points will be earned through quizzes, tests, the paper assignment and extra point assignments.
​ 4. Work submitted after the due date, late work, will receive a 10% deduction per day late.
5. Extra Points can be accumulated by completing worksheets and other assignments during the year. A maximum of 75 extra points can be earned during the year.
6. Any one exam where you score less then 50% can be retaken. This can be done one time.
A-100-90% (450-500)D- 69-60% (300-349)
B- 89-80% (400-449)F- 59-0%(299-0)
C- 79-70% (350-399)
Paper Assignment
The paper assignment will be a minimum of 4 pages (2,000 words) and a citation page. In those pages you must explain and compare an event in history and how that event is similar to another unrelated event. There is an aphorism often attributed to Mark Twain which states “History doesn't repeat itself but often it rhymes.” In this assignment, you will show how this aphorism could be true. This paper must be typed, 12 point Times New Roman font, and should include citations on a separate page (page 5). You must include, as a minimum, 1 primary and 1 secondary source and cite them in your citations. This assignment will be due (next to last class before spring break).


Chapter 1 Worksheets
Chapter 2 Worksheets
Chapter 3 Worksheets
Chapter 4 Worksheets
Chapter 5 Worksheets
Chapter 6 Worksheets
Chapter 7 Worksheets

Chapter 8 Worksheets
Chapter 9 Worksheets
Chapter 10 Worksheets
Chapter 11 Worksheets
Chapter 12 Worksheets
Chapter 13 Worksheets
Chapter 14 Worksheets
Chapter 15 Worksheets
Chapter 16 Worksheets
Chapter 17 Worksheets
Chapter 18 Worksheets
Chapter 19 Worksheets
Chapter 20 Worksheets
Chapter 21 Worksheets
Chapter 22 Worksheets
Chapter 23 Worksheets
Chapter 24 Worksheets
Chapter 25 Worksheets
Chapter 26 Worksheets
Chapter 27 Worksheets
Chapter 28 Worksheets
Chapter 29 Worksheets
Chapter 30 Worksheets
Chapter 31 Worksheets
Chapter 32 Worksheets
Chapter 33 Worksheets
Chapter 34 Worksheets
Chapter 35 Worksheets
Chapter 36 Worksheets Moments Via Photographs

2015 Practice DBQ--Use this College Board released DBQ to write an intro. paragraph and at least 3 topic sentences. Be sure to review the DBQ rubric.

This page is for all things related to AP World History. Click on the links below, and in the column on the right, for information, activities, hand outs, etc.

Course Syllabus, Download it here. (PDF file.)

SAMOHI update homework policy.

**Textbook Chapters**

For those without their textbooks, click on the links below for the chapters so that you don't fall behind.

Reading Log

Click here (.docx)

Click here (.pdf)

Click on the links above for the reading log for the class. I saved them in 2 formats just in case you can't open one. this document contains all of the key terms and focus questions you will need to complete for the course. You will need to read the entire book before May, because that's when we take the AP exam!!!

World history mr volkmar

Essay Questions

Click here for a handout containing nearly all of the essay questions asked on the AP World History exam since it began. Use the document to study/review, and be sure you are able to answer all of the questions by the end of the course. Also, some of the questions listed MAY be on in-class download and go over them!

AP Reader


Click here, for a collection of primary source documents we will use in class. For most of the documents, we will summarize them and answer the focus/analysis questions. Be sure your responses are at least a complete paragraph for the summary, and complete sentences for the questions.


Historical Maps. Click on the link to get the various maps you will need for the class; they cover all time periods and continents.

Blank Maps. Click on this link for a collection of blank world maps. We will use many of them throughout the year.


Listed in each unit below are webquests. Webquests require you to answer questions based on reading/viewing/listening to various sources on the internet. The links to the internet sources, and the questions for them, can be found on the handouts provided on my links. Some links may require you to manually input the address in your browser. All of the links work.


GRAPES is an acronym for Geography, Religion, Accomplishments, Politics, Economics, Social Structures. Use this handout to analyze the important aspects of the civilizations we will learn about throughout the year.


SOAPS. Use this handout for analyzing primary/secondary sources. It too is an acronym.

Text Paragraph


World History Mr Volkmar's Course Pages Book

Text Paragraph Use this handout for instructions on how to write a single, text based paragraph

  • Unit I-- Foundations to 600 B.C.E and 600 B.C.E to 600 C.E (Combined Unit)

    Listed below are various handouts, documents, and articles that pertain to Unit I. Click on them and download/read them. Be sure to follow all directions and complete all questions asked on the document or specified by the teacher.
    1. Code of Hammurabi

    Webquests--- Click on the items below to access the handouts with the links and questions for each topic. Answer all quesitons in complete sentences.

    1. Early Americas Webquest

    2. Importance of the Nile

    3. Comparing Athens to Sparta

    4. Buddha's Truth

    5. Roman Government

    6. Early River Civilizations Comparison

    7. Greece: Politics and Tyranny

  • Unit II 600 C.E.-1450

    Webquests--Click on the items below to access the handouts with the links and questions for each topic. Answer all quesitons in complete sentences.

    1. Feudalism

    2. The Crusades

    3. Magna Carta

    4. Bubonic Plague

    5. Block Printing in China

    6. Ibn Battuta

    7. Trans-Sahara Travel

    8. Conquest of Jerusalem

    9. Christianity in Late Antiquity

    10. Barbarian Invasions

    11. Journal of Ibn Battuta

    12. India Web Quest

    13. Zheng He Web Quest

    14. Japanese Culture Web Quest

    15. Byzantine Empire Web Quest

    Unit I and II Review. Click on the link for a review of the important aspects of Units I and II.

    Work Packets--Pay attention in class, as we may NOT complete all of the documents in each packet. I will let you know which documents you need to complete.

    1. Packet #1--River Valleys to Classical World

    2. Packet #2--Byzantine Empire, Russia, Mongol Empire & Islam--click here for documents related to these topics.

    3. Packet #3--Early Africa and the Americas

  • Unit III 1450-1750

    Webquests--Click on the items below to access the handouts with the links and questions for each topic. Answer all quesitons in complete sentences.

    1. Ships and Technology

    2. Ferdinand Magellan

    3. Japanese/Chinese Illustrated Timeline

    Timeline Rubric

    4. Explorers Chart

    5. Reformation Webquest

    6. Enlightenment Webquest

    7. Declaration of Independence comparison with Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen

    Unit III Review. Click on the link for a review of the important aspects of Unit III.

    Work Packets-- Pay attention in class, as we may NOT complete all of the documents in each packet. I will let you know which documents you need to complete.

    4. Packet #4--Medieval Europe, Renaissance, Reformation

    5. Packet #5--Absolutism, Democracy, and Revolutions

  • Unit IV 1750-1900

    Webquests--Click on the items below to access the handouts with the links and questions for each topic. Answer all quesitons in complete sentences.


    1. Meiji Restoration

    French Revolution

    1. The Three Estates

    2. Storming of the Bastille

    3. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    4. Reign of Terror

    5. The Executions

    The Enlightenment

    Brochure Handout, click here for the project.

    Adam Smith, short biography and ideas

    6. Society and Government

    7. Powers of Government

    8. The Rights of Women


    9. The 'White Man's' Burden

    10. The Economics of Imperialism

    Click on the links on the above handout, or click here for the documents used in class

    11. Indigenous Response to Imperialism

    Click on the links on the above handout, or click here for the documents used in class

    12. International Competition

    13 . Defining Nationalism

    14. Nationalism and Romanticism

    15. U.S. Imperialism, differing views.

    16. Imperialism Data.

    17. European Imperialism Webquest

    18. Rise of Modern Japan

    19. Japan's Response to Imperialism

    20. Rise of Modern China

    21. Rise of Modern China Webquest

    22. Revolutions and Nationalist Movements Questions

    23. Revolutions Webquest

    Work Packets-- Pay attention in class, as we may NOT complete all of the documents in each packet. I will let you know which documents you need to complete

    6. Packet #6--Industrialization and Imperialism

    Unit IV Review. Click on the link for a review of the important aspects of Unit IV.

  • Unit V 1900-Present

    Webquests--- Click on the items below to access the handouts with the links and questions for each topic. Answer all quesitons in complete sentences.

    Rise and Fall of Communism

    1. The Communist Manifesto

    2. The Russian Revolution

    3. Stalinism and Totalitarianism

    4. Failure of the Soviet System

    5. Reform and Collapse

    6. Memorial Day activity.

    World War I

    7. Wilson's 14 Points Speech

    7A. WWI Webquest

    World War II

    8. Atomic Bomb Questions

    8A. WWII Essential Questions

    8B. WWII Webquest

    Cold War

    9. Cold War Handouts (Ch. 26 and 27)

    10. Cold War Cartoons

    11. Cold War Webquest

    Post-WWII and Beyond

    11. Chapter 28-29 Packet

    12. Extra Credit Movie Review. Spring break assignment, feel free to complete it (and upload it) if you have time over break. Hard copy due the Monday we return.

    13. Iraq Joint Resolution

    14. Post-1945 Questions

    Unit V Review. Click on the link for a review of the important aspects of Unit V.

    Work Packets-- Pay attention in class, as we may NOT complete all of the documents in each packet. I will let you know which documents you need to complete

    7. Packet #7--World War I, Russian Revolution, and World War II

  • Final Projects